Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018): IN VERITATE LUX: Jurnal Ilmu Kateketik Pastoral Teologi, Pendidikan, Antropologi, dan Budaya

STP Santo Bona Bonaventure Delitua Medan Indonesia publishes the Journal of Catechetical and Pastoral Science. This publication is released twice yearly, in February and August. This journal's research section contains societally and scientifically beneficial results of research and community service in the fields of Catholic religious education, catechesis, pastoral, theology, social, philosophy, and religious social sciences. This publication welcomes and accepts submissions from everywhere, including Indonesia.
Editorial Board of Jurnal Ilmu Kateketik Pastoral would like to thank as much to Team Editors and reviewers to help become Peer Reviewers in the publication of Volume 1 Number 1, 2018. We also extend our thanks to all authors for their contributions to the articles in this volume.