In Veritate Lux : Jurnal Ilmu Kateketik Pastoral Teologi, Pendidikan, Antropologi, dan Budaya: Announcements <p>Journal of IN VERITATE LUX : Journal of Pastoral Catechetical Science, Theology, Education, Anthropology, and Culture, is a scientific communication medium intended to accommodate research results, results of studies, or scientific studies related to Catholic Religious Education as a form of STP Santo Bonaventura Delitua Medan's contribution to the development of Catholic Religious Education in general. Journal of Journal of IN VERITATE LUX : Journal of Pastoral Catechetical Science, Theology, Education, Anthropology, and Culture published by the STP St. Bonaventura Delitua Medan, Indonesia.<br /><a href="">P-Issn</a></p> en-US